AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Essential Oil Details

Essential Name
: Mentha Viridis Supriya essential oil
Plant Name
: Garden Mint, Pudina
Plant Variety Name
: Supriya
Plant Tissue Name
: Whole plant



Other Details

Commonly referred to as Spearmint, the thin leaves of this plant emit a spicy aroma and taste. It is not, however, cooling like Peppermint. Spearmint is comprised of a high quanity of essential oils, as well as tannins and flavonoids. It contains both refreshing and toning properties.

Biological Activity Details

Serial No.Biological Activity Name


1. BR Tyagi, JR Bahl, V Singh, H Singh, SPS Duthan, Tajuddin, AA Naqvi and S Mandal. A high yielding superior strain of Mentha viridis developed. CIMAP Newsletter (1987) 14:2-3.

2. Mkaddem, Mounira, et al. "Chemical composition and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Mentha (longifolia L. and viridis) essential oils." Journal of food science 74.7 (2009): M358-M363.

3. Mkaddem, Mounira, et al. "Chemical composition and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Mentha (longifolia L. and viridis) essential oils." Journal of food science 74.7 (2009): M358-M363.

Major Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1Carvone 65

Minor Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
11,8-Cineole 9.14
2Limonene 4.87
3Methyl Eugenol 3.0
4Alpha-Terpineol 1.97
5Beta-Selinene 1.86
6Isomenthone 1.13
7Sabinene 0.20
83-Octanol 0.54
9Alpha- Pinene 0.50
10Alpha-Humulene 0.62
11Beta-Caryophyllene Oxide 0.86
12Beta-Myrcene 0.19
13Delta-3-Carene 0.34
14P-Cymene 0.33

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