AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Plant Details

:Common Name
:Scientific Name
Cuminum cyminum

Cumin sometimes spelled cummin, (Cuminum cyminum) is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, native from the east Mediterranean to India. Its seeds (each one contained within a fruit, which is dried) are used in the cuisines of many different cultures, in both whole and ground form. It also has many uses as a traditional medicinal plant.

: Details
Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley family. The cumin plant grows to 30–50 cm (12–20 in) tall and is harvested by hand. It is an annual herbaceous plant, with a slender, glabrous, branched stem which is 20–30 cm (8–12 in) tall and has a diameter of 3–5 cm (1 1⁄4–2 in). Each branch has two to three sub-branches.

Essential Oils

Serial No.Essential Oil Name
1Cuminum cyminum essential oil

Plant Variety

Serial No.Variety CompoundDetails

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