AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Plant Details

:Common Name
Mexican pepperleaf
:Scientific Name
Piper auritum

Hoja santa (Piper auritum) is an aromatic herb with a heart-shaped, velvety leaf which grows in tropic Mesoamerica. The name hoja santa means

: Details
It is often used in Mexican cuisine for tamales, the fish or meat wrapped in fragrant leaves for cooking, and as an essential ingredient in mole verde, the green sauce originated in the Oaxaca region of Mexico.It is also chopped to flavor soups, such as pozole, and eggs.

Essential Oils

Serial No.Essential Oil Name
1Piper auritum essential oil
2Piper auritum essential oil

Plant Variety

Serial No.Variety CompoundDetails

Latest Molecules

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