AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Essential Oil Details

Essential Name
: Artemisia annua Jeevanraksha essential oil
Plant Name
: Sweet wormwood, Quinghao
Plant Variety Name
: Jeevanraksha
Plant Tissue Name
: Leaf


The essential oil of A. Annua is widely used in mosquito repallent and it was also used as insectiside.

Other Details

The oil have pleasent smell of camphor, it was used in some medicinal creams for aroma.


1. S Kumar, S Banerjee, S Dwivedi, MM Gupta, RK Verma, DC Jain, SPS Khanuja, AK Mathur,GD Bagchi, M Zehra, VK Mehta, AA Naqvi, S Paul, G Ram, M Ram, D Saikia, RS Sangwan,TRS Kumar, AK Shasany, MP Darokar, AK Singh & A Singh.Registration of Jeevanraksha and Suraksha varieties of the antimalarial medicinal plant Artemisia annua. J. Med. Arom. Pl. Sci. (1999) 21: 47-48.

2. Rao, BR Rajeswara, K. V. Syamasundar, and R. P. Patel. "Chemical Profile Characterization of Artemisia annua L. Essential Oils From South India Through GC-FID and GC-MS Analyses." Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 17.6 (2014): 1249-1256.

3. Juteau, Fabien, et al. "Antibacterial and antioxidant activities of Artemisia annua essential oil." Fitoterapia 73.6 (2002): 532-535.

Major Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1Camphor 42.6
21, 8-Cineole 17.2
3Germacrene D 15.6
4Myrcene 15.4
5Trans-Pinocarveol 10.9
6Beta-Selinene 9.4
7Beta-Caryophyllene 8.9

Minor Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1Artemisia alcohol 4.3
2Camphene 3.9
3Pinocarvone 2.1
4Artemisia ketone 2.8
5Sabinene 2.7
61,8-Cineole 1.2
7Beta-Eudesmol 1.7
8Alpha-Copaene 1.8
9Terpinen-4-Ol 1.1
10(E)-Beta-Farnesene 0.1
11Myrtenal 0.1
12(E)-Chrysanthenol 0.3
13Myrtenol 0.2
14(E,E)-Farnesene Trace
15Alpha-Cadinol 0.2
16Beta-Pinene 0.3
17Alpha-Terpineol 0.1
18Isoborneol 0.3
19Linalool 0.6
20Beta-Cubebene 0.1
21Borneol 0.2
22Gamma-Cadinene 0.7
23Germacrene 0.1

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