The essential oil was used in fragrance and cosmetic industries
1. Yan, Yan, et al. "Effect of essential oil of Syringa pinnatifolia Hemsl. var. alashanensis on ischemia of myocardium, hypoxia and platelet aggregation." Journal of ethnopharmacology 131.2 (2010): 248-255.
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Alpha-Cadinol | 19.9 |
2 | T-Muurolol | 18.5 |
Serial No. | Compound Name | Compound Percentage(%) |
1 | Delta-Cadinene | 4.37 |
2 | Alpha-Copaene | 4.5 |
3 | Alpha-Muurolene | 3.29 |
4 | Alpha-Calacorene | 2.5 |
5 | Alpha-caryophyllene | 1.2 |
6 | Cadalene | 0.5 |