AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Essential Oil Details

Essential Name
: Mentha X gracilis MCAS-2 essential oil
Plant Name
: Scotch spearmint
Plant Variety Name
: MCAS-2
Plant Tissue Name
: Whole plant


Mint is used for the common cold, cough, inflammation of the mouth and throat, sinus infections, and respiratory infections. It is also used for digestive problems including heartburn, nausea and other diseases. The oil yield of the variety is 225 Kg/ha

Other Details

The oil of Mentha gracilis was used in the, pharma industries for making number of products, like tootpaste, cough syrups.


1. Patra NK, Kumar B. 2005. Improved varieties and genetic research in medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs). In Proceedings of second national Interactive Meet on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants. 53-61.

2. Rao, BR Rajeswara. "Biomass yield, essential oil yield and essential oil composition of rose-scented geranium (Pelargonium species) as influenced by row spacings and intercropping with cornmint (Menthaarvensis Lf piperascens Malinv. ex Holmes)." Industrial crops and products 16.2 (2002): 133-144.

Major Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
1Carvone 64.0

Minor Compound Details

Serial No.Compound Name Compound Percentage(%)
16-Hydroxycarvone 8.92
2Benzoic Acid 7.63
3Hexanoic Acid 5.38
4Octanoic Acid 4.42
5(E)-2-Hexenoic Acid 4.98
62-Methylbutyric Acid 4.5
73-Methylbutyric Acid 3.8
8Butyric Acid 0.18
92-Ethylhexanoic Acid Trace
102-Methylpropanoic Acid 0.74

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