AromaDb: A Database of Plant's Aroma Molecules

Plant Details

:Common Name
Chrysanthemum coronarium
:Scientific Name
Chrysanthemum coronarium

Glebionis coronaria, formerly called Chrysanthemum coronarium, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family. It is native to the Mediterranean region. East Asia. It is also cultivated and naturalized in East Asia and in scattered locations in North America.

: Details
A leafy herb, the garland chrysanthemum is one of the few annual plants in its genus. It has yellow ray florets grouped in small flower heads and aromatic, bipinnately lobed leaves. The plant is rich in minerals and vitamins with potassium concentrations at 610 mg/100 g and carotene at 3.4 g/100 g in edible portions.

Essential Oils

Serial No.Essential Oil Name
1 Chrysanthemum indicum essential oil

Plant Variety

Serial No.Variety CompoundDetails

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